A Brief History

About six months in I had discovered (through my dad) the fastai course and forums. I soon realized I really enjoyed working on machine learning libraries, and dove into fastai as much as I could, while still maintaining a full-time education at the University of West Florida.
As I learned more and more, I slowly became a senior contributor to the fastai project and a leader in the fastai community. What followed was an explosion in learning, creating, and helping raise the community even further through more advanced projects, sharper tutorials, and being actively involved in helping others solve problems when using the library.
Now I'm a Machine Learning Engineer out of Novetta, and looking to integrate more libraries into the fastai framework.
I have been attending the University of West Florida from Fall 2016 through Spring 2021, and will be graduating with:
B.S. in Software Design and DevelopmentMinor in Computer Science
Minor in Environmental Science