Lesson Video:

This article is also a Jupyter Notebook available to be run from the top down. There will be code snippets that you can then run in any environment.

Below are the versions of fastai, fastcore, and wwf currently running at the time of writing this:

  • fastai: 2.2.0
  • fastcore: 1.3.14
  • wwf: 0.0.7

What is segmentation?

  • Pixel-wise classes
  • Used for fine-grained image segmenting




from fastai.vision.all import *

Below you will find the exact imports for everything we use today

from fastcore.xtras import Path

from fastai.callback.hook import summary
from fastai.callback.progress import ProgressCallback
from fastai.callback.schedule import lr_find, fit_flat_cos

from fastai.data.block import DataBlock
from fastai.data.external import untar_data, URLs
from fastai.data.transforms import get_image_files, FuncSplitter, Normalize

from fastai.layers import Mish
from fastai.losses import BaseLoss
from fastai.optimizer import ranger

from fastai.torch_core import tensor

from fastai.vision.augment import aug_transforms
from fastai.vision.core import PILImage, PILMask
from fastai.vision.data import ImageBlock, MaskBlock, imagenet_stats
from fastai.vision.learner import unet_learner

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

from torch import nn
from torchvision.models.resnet import resnet34

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F


Todays dataset will be CAMVID, which is a segmentation based problem from cameras on cars to segment various areas of the road

path = untar_data(URLs.CAMVID)

Our validation set is inside a text document called valid.txt and split by new lines. Let's read it in:

valid_fnames = (path/'valid.txt').read_text().split('\n')

Let's look at an image and see how everything aligns up

path_im = path/'images'
path_lbl = path/'labels'

First we need our filenames

fnames = get_image_files(path_im)
lbl_names = get_image_files(path_lbl)

And now let's work with one of them

img_fn = fnames[10]
img = PILImage.create(img_fn)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7efd1ebbcc50>

Now let's grab our y's. They live in the labels folder and are denoted by a _P

get_msk = lambda o: path/'labels'/f'{o.stem}_P{o.suffix}'

The stem and suffix grab everything before and after the period respectively.

Our masks are of type PILMask and we will make our gradient percentage (alpha) equal to 1 as we are not overlaying this on anything yet

msk = PILMask.create(get_msk(img_fn))
msk.show(figsize=(5,5), alpha=1)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7efd1cea9160>

Now if we look at what our mask actually is, we can see it's a giant array of pixels:

tensor([[26, 26, 26,  ..., 27, 27, 27],
        [26, 26, 26,  ..., 27, 27, 27],
        [26, 26, 26,  ..., 27, 27, 27],
        [19, 19, 19,  ..., 30, 30, 30],
        [19, 19, 19,  ..., 30, 30, 30],
        [19, 19, 19,  ..., 30, 30, 30]], dtype=torch.uint8)

Where each one represents a class that we can find in codes.txt. Let's make a vocabulary with it

codes = np.loadtxt(path/'codes.txt', dtype=str); codes
array(['Animal', 'Archway', 'Bicyclist', 'Bridge', 'Building', 'Car',
       'CartLuggagePram', 'Child', 'Column_Pole', 'Fence', 'LaneMkgsDriv',
       'LaneMkgsNonDriv', 'Misc_Text', 'MotorcycleScooter', 'OtherMoving',
       'ParkingBlock', 'Pedestrian', 'Road', 'RoadShoulder', 'Sidewalk',
       'SignSymbol', 'Sky', 'SUVPickupTruck', 'TrafficCone',
       'TrafficLight', 'Train', 'Tree', 'Truck_Bus', 'Tunnel',
       'VegetationMisc', 'Void', 'Wall'], dtype='<U17')

We need a split function that will split from our list of valid filenames we grabbed earlier. Let's try making our own.

def FileSplitter(fname):
    "Split `items` depending on the value of `mask`."
    valid = Path(fname).read_text().split('\n') 
    def _func(x): return x.name in valid
    def _inner(o, **kwargs): return FuncSplitter(_func)(o)
    return _inner

This takes in our filenames, and checks for all of our filenames in all of our items in our validation filenames

Transfer Learning between DataSets

Jeremy popularized the idea of image resizing:

  • Train on smaller sized images
  • Eventually get larger and larger
  • Transfer Learning loop

This first round we will train at half the image size

sz = msk.shape; sz
(720, 960)
half = tuple(int(x/2) for x in sz); half
(360, 480)
camvid = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, MaskBlock(codes)),
                   batch_tfms=[*aug_transforms(size=half), Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)])
dls = camvid.dataloaders(path/'images', bs=8)

Let's look at a batch, and look at all the classes between codes 1 and 30 (ignoring Animal and Wall)

dls.show_batch(max_n=4, vmin=1, vmax=30, figsize=(14,10))

Lastly let's make our vocabulary a part of our DataLoaders, as our loss function needs to deal with the Void label

dls.vocab = codes

Now we need a methodology for grabbing that particular code from our output of numbers. Let's make everything into a dictionary

name2id = {v:k for k,v in enumerate(codes)}
{'Animal': 0,
 'Archway': 1,
 'Bicyclist': 2,
 'Bridge': 3,
 'Building': 4,
 'Car': 5,
 'CartLuggagePram': 6,
 'Child': 7,
 'Column_Pole': 8,
 'Fence': 9,
 'LaneMkgsDriv': 10,
 'LaneMkgsNonDriv': 11,
 'Misc_Text': 12,
 'MotorcycleScooter': 13,
 'OtherMoving': 14,
 'ParkingBlock': 15,
 'Pedestrian': 16,
 'Road': 17,
 'RoadShoulder': 18,
 'SUVPickupTruck': 22,
 'Sidewalk': 19,
 'SignSymbol': 20,
 'Sky': 21,
 'TrafficCone': 23,
 'TrafficLight': 24,
 'Train': 25,
 'Tree': 26,
 'Truck_Bus': 27,
 'Tunnel': 28,
 'VegetationMisc': 29,
 'Void': 30,
 'Wall': 31}

Awesome! Let's make an accuracy function

void_code = name2id['Void']

For segmentation, we want to squeeze all the outputted values to have it as a matrix of digits for our segmentation mask. From there, we want to match their argmax to the target's mask for each pixel and take the average

def acc_camvid(inp, targ):
  targ = targ.squeeze(1)
  mask = targ != void_code
  return (inp.argmax(dim=1)[mask]==targ[mask]).float().mean()

The Dynamic Unet

U-Net allows us to look at pixel-wise representations of our images through sizing it down and then blowing it bck up into a high resolution image. The first part we call an "encoder" and the second a "decoder"

On the image, the authors of the UNET paper describe the arrows as "denotions of different operations"

We have a special unet_learner. Something new is we can pass in some model configurations where we can declare a few things to customize it with!

  • Blur/blur final: avoid checkerboard artifacts
  • Self attention: A self-attention layer
  • y_range: Last activations go through a sigmoid for rescaling
  • Last cross - Cross-connection with the direct model input
  • Bottle - Bottlenck or not on that cross
  • Activation function
  • Norm type

Let's make a unet_learner that uses some of the new state of the art techniques. Specifically:

  • Self-attention layers: self_attention = True
  • Mish activation function: act_cls = Mish

Along with this we will use the Ranger as optimizer function.

opt = ranger
learn = unet_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=acc_camvid, self_attention=True, act_cls=Mish, opt_func=opt)
DynamicUnet (Input shape: 8)
Layer (type)         Output Shape         Param #    Trainable 
                     8 x 64 x 180 x 240  
Conv2d                                    9408       False     
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      False     
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      False     
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      False     
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      False     
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      False     
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    36864      False     
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
                     8 x 128 x 45 x 60   
Conv2d                                    73728      False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    8192       False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    147456     False     
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
                     8 x 256 x 23 x 30   
Conv2d                                    294912     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    32768      False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    589824     False     
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
                     8 x 512 x 12 x 15   
Conv2d                                    1179648    False     
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    131072     False     
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
Conv2d                                    2359296    False     
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
BatchNorm2d                               1024       True      
                     8 x 1024 x 12 x 15  
Conv2d                                    4719616    True      
                     8 x 512 x 12 x 15   
Conv2d                                    4719104    True      
                     8 x 1024 x 12 x 15  
Conv2d                                    525312     True      
BatchNorm2d                               512        True      
Conv2d                                    2359808    True      
Conv2d                                    2359808    True      
                     8 x 1024 x 23 x 30  
Conv2d                                    525312     True      
BatchNorm2d                               256        True      
Conv2d                                    1327488    True      
Conv2d                                    1327488    True      
                     8 x 48 x 2700       
Conv1d                                    18432      True      
Conv1d                                    18432      True      
Conv1d                                    147456     True      
                     8 x 768 x 45 x 60   
Conv2d                                    295680     True      
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
Conv2d                                    590080     True      
Conv2d                                    590080     True      
                     8 x 512 x 90 x 120  
Conv2d                                    131584     True      
BatchNorm2d                               128        True      
                     8 x 96 x 180 x 240  
Conv2d                                    165984     True      
Conv2d                                    83040      True      
                     8 x 384 x 180 x 240 
Conv2d                                    37248      True      
Conv2d                                    88308      True      
Conv2d                                    88308      True      
                     8 x 32 x 360 x 480  
Conv2d                                    3200       True      

Total params: 41,408,488
Total trainable params: 20,140,840
Total non-trainable params: 21,267,648

Optimizer used: <function ranger at 0x7efd200a8ea0>
Loss function: FlattenedLoss of CrossEntropyLoss()

Model frozen up to parameter group #2

  - TrainEvalCallback
  - Recorder
  - ProgressCallback

If we do a learn.summary we can see this blow-up trend, and see that our model came in frozen. Let's find a learning rate

SuggestedLRs(lr_min=0.0013182567432522773, lr_steep=0.0014454397605732083)
lr = 1e-3

With our new optimizer, we will also want to use a different fit function, called fit_flat_cos

learn.fit_flat_cos(10, slice(lr))
epoch train_loss valid_loss acc_camvid time
0 2.267863 1.742724 0.827059 01:12
1 1.821520 1.487319 0.858477 00:59
2 1.588776 1.349779 0.865436 00:59
3 1.430715 1.215538 0.886508 00:59
4 1.324019 1.124806 0.902292 00:59
5 1.232799 1.035299 0.903780 00:59
6 1.133886 0.990665 0.904250 00:59
7 1.059976 0.914800 0.911261 00:59
8 0.980094 0.883291 0.914787 00:59
9 0.920574 0.861305 0.915084 00:59
learn.show_results(max_n=4, figsize=(12,6))

Let's unfreeze the model and decrease our learning rate by 4 (Rule of thumb)

lrs = slice(lr/400, lr/4)
lr, lrs
(0.001, slice(2.5e-06, 0.00025, None))

And train for a bit more

learn.fit_flat_cos(12, lrs)
epoch train_loss valid_loss acc_camvid time
0 0.904472 0.864132 0.914719 01:01
1 0.893953 0.861930 0.915803 01:01
2 0.870641 0.839532 0.915104 01:00
3 0.857703 0.844047 0.912143 01:00
4 0.835774 0.817610 0.914030 01:00
5 0.818883 0.815786 0.915836 01:01
6 0.790792 0.797801 0.914842 01:01
7 0.782354 0.782085 0.916641 01:01
8 0.764274 0.766298 0.917362 01:00
9 0.747887 0.769105 0.917114 01:01
10 0.721998 0.756591 0.916820 01:01
11 0.717462 0.758870 0.916470 01:01

Now let's save that model away


And look at a few results

learn.show_results(max_n=4, figsize=(18,8))


Let's take a look at how to do inference with test_dl

dl = learn.dls.test_dl(fnames[:5])

Let's do the first five pictures

preds = learn.get_preds(dl=dl)
torch.Size([5, 32, 360, 480])

Alright so we have a 5x32x360x480


What does this mean? We had five images, so each one is one of our five images in our batch. Let's look at the first

pred_1 = preds[0][0]
torch.Size([32, 360, 480])

Now let's take the argmax of our values

pred_arx = pred_1.argmax(dim=0)

And look at it

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f27b71272b0>

What do we do from here? We need to save it away. We can do this one of two ways, as a numpy array to image, and as a tensor (to say use later rawly)

pred_arx = pred_arx.numpy()
rescaled = (255.0 / pred_arx.max() * (pred_arx - pred_arx.min())).astype(np.uint8)
im = Image.fromarray(rescaled)

Let's make a function to do so for our files

for i, pred in enumerate(preds[0]):
  pred_arg = pred.argmax(dim=0).numpy()
  rescaled = (255.0 / pred_arg.max() * (pred_arg - pred_arg.min())).astype(np.uint8)
  im = Image.fromarray(rescaled)

Now let's save away the raw:

torch.save(preds[0][0], 'Image_1.pt')
pred_1 = torch.load('Image_1.pt')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f27b6f1d390>

Full Size (Homework)

Now let's go full sized. Restart your instance to re-free your memory

from fastai.vision.all import *
path = untar_data(URLs.CAMVID)
valid_fnames = (path/'valid.txt').read_text().split('\n')
get_msk = lambda o: path/'labels'/f'{o.stem}_P{o.suffix}'
codes = np.loadtxt(path/'codes.txt', dtype=str); codes

def FileSplitter(fname):
    "Split `items` depending on the value of `mask`."
    valid = Path(fname).read_text().split('\n') 
    def _func(x): return x.name in valid
    def _inner(o, **kwargs): return FuncSplitter(_func)(o)
    return _inner
name2id = {v:k for k,v in enumerate(codes)}
void_code = name2id['Void']

def acc_camvid(inp, targ):
  targ = targ.squeeze(1)
  mask = targ != void_code
  return (inp.argmax(dim=1)[mask]==targ[mask]).float().mean()

And re-make our dataloaders. But this time we want our size to be the full size

camvid = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, MaskBlock(codes)),
                   batch_tfms=[*aug_transforms(size=half), Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)])

We'll also want to lower our batch size to not run out of memory

dls = camvid.dataloaders(path/"images", bs=1)

Let's assign our vocab, make our learner, and load our weights

opt = ranger
dls.vocab = codes
learn = unet_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=acc_camvid, self_attention=True, act_cls=Mish, opt_func=opt)

And now let's find our learning rate and train!

lr = 1e-3
learn.fit_flat_cos(10, slice(lr))
epoch train_loss valid_loss acc_camvid time
0 0.506793 0.342499 0.926143 05:15
1 0.430471 0.331063 0.924518 05:14
2 0.349916 0.330467 0.915646 05:14
3 0.330413 0.291114 0.926524 05:13
4 0.307470 0.273733 0.928941 05:13
5 0.281810 0.278765 0.926421 05:12
6 0.250463 0.288746 0.923950 05:12
7 0.248945 0.284137 0.923201 05:11
8 0.214759 0.256868 0.931487 05:10
9 0.188897 0.267987 0.928474 05:10
lrs = slice(1e-6,lr/10); lrs
slice(1e-06, 0.0001, None)
learn.fit_flat_cos(10, lrs)
epoch train_loss valid_loss acc_camvid time
0 0.187095 0.266967 0.926938 05:20
1 0.186410 0.262047 0.928341 05:20
2 0.190994 0.282032 0.922368 05:19
3 0.186702 0.262346 0.929233 05:19
4 0.179937 0.270361 0.925767 05:19
5 0.176367 0.270718 0.926208 05:19
6 0.176295 0.259349 0.928089 05:19
7 0.171654 0.260007 0.928189 05:19
8 0.170364 0.261180 0.928160 05:19
9 0.160006 0.253466 0.929910 05:19
learn.show_results(max_n=4, figsize=(18,8))

Weighted Loss Functions

We can use weighted loss functions to help with class imbalancing. We need to do this because simply oversampling won't quite work here! So, how do we do it? fastai's CrossEntropyLossFlat is just a wrapper around PyTorch's CrossEntropyLoss, so we can pass in a weight parameter (even if it doesn't show up in our autocompletion!)

class CrossEntropyLossFlat(BaseLoss):
    "Same as `nn.CrossEntropyLoss`, but flattens input and target."
    y_int = True
    def __init__(self, *args, axis=-1, **kwargs): super().__init__(nn.CrossEntropyLoss, *args, axis=axis, **kwargs)
    def decodes(self, x):    return x.argmax(dim=self.axis)
    def activation(self, x): return F.softmax(x, dim=self.axis)

But what should this weight be? It needs to be a 1xn tensor, where n is the number of classes in your dataset. We'll use a quick example, where all but the last class has a weight of 90% and the last class has a weight of 110%

Also, as we are training on the GPU, we need the tensor to be so as well:

weights = torch.tensor([[0.9]*31 + [1.1]]).cuda()
tensor([[0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000,
         0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000,
         0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000,
         0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 0.9000, 1.1000]], device='cuda:0')

Now we can pass this into CrossEntropyLossFlat

  • Note: as this is segmentation, we need to make the axis to 1
learn.loss_func = CrossEntropyLossFlat(weight=weights, axis=1)

(or to pass it into cnn_learner)

loss_func = CrossEntropyLossFlat(weight=weights, axis=1)
learn = unet_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=acc_camvid, loss_func=loss_func)