Lesson Video:

This article is also a Jupyter Notebook available to be run from the top down. There will be code snippets that you can then run in any environment.

Below are the versions of fastai, fastcore, and wwf currently running at the time of writing this:

  • fastai: 2.1.10
  • fastcore: 1.3.13
  • wwf: 0.0.8


Rossmann's Kaggle competition was a business sales prediction competition for $35,000 dollars to the winners.

The premise is that we're given the sales data and information of their stores for the past few years. We need to make a model that can predict the number of sales that will be made in the future.

We can do this through a tabular regression model.

Jeremy walks through feature engineering for this problem, for today though we will download a clean engineered dataset straight from Kaggle. To download it:

  1. Go to: https://www.kaggle.com/init27/fastai-v3-rossman-data-clean
  2. Go to output
  3. Right click the download button
  4. Click "copy link location" for both train and test
  5. !wget {url}

(Note: to walk through the feature engineering, see this notebook)

train = 'ENTER_URL_HERE'
!wget {train} -q
!wget {test} -q

And now that we have our data, let's install the fastai library

Time-Series Analysis

from fastai.tabular.all import *

The Data:

train_df = pd.read_pickle('train_clean')
test_df = pd.read_pickle('test_clean')
0 1 2 3 4
index 0 1 2 3 4
Store 1 2 3 4 5
DayOfWeek 5 5 5 5 5
Date 2015-07-31 00:00:00 2015-07-31 00:00:00 2015-07-31 00:00:00 2015-07-31 00:00:00 2015-07-31 00:00:00
Sales 5263 6064 8314 13995 4822
... ... ... ... ... ...
StateHoliday_bw 0 0 0 0 0
Promo_bw 5 5 5 5 5
SchoolHoliday_fw 7 1 5 1 1
StateHoliday_fw 0 0 0 0 0
Promo_fw 5 1 5 1 1

93 rows × 5 columns

With our time-series based approach, the feature engineering made a bunch of date-related categorical columns that we can utilize in our embeddings.

cat_vars = ['Store', 'DayOfWeek', 'Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'StateHoliday', 'CompetitionMonthsOpen',
    'Promo2Weeks', 'StoreType', 'Assortment', 'PromoInterval', 'CompetitionOpenSinceYear', 'Promo2SinceYear',
    'State', 'Week', 'Events', 'Promo_fw', 'Promo_bw', 'StateHoliday_fw', 'StateHoliday_bw',
    'SchoolHoliday_fw', 'SchoolHoliday_bw', 'Promo', 'SchoolHoliday']

cont_vars = ['CompetitionDistance', 'Max_TemperatureC', 'Mean_TemperatureC', 'Min_TemperatureC',
   'Max_Humidity', 'Mean_Humidity', 'Min_Humidity', 'Max_Wind_SpeedKm_h', 
   'Mean_Wind_SpeedKm_h', 'CloudCover', 'trend', 'trend_DE',
   'AfterStateHoliday', 'BeforeStateHoliday']
dep_var = 'Sales'

When doing Regression with these large numbers, we often use the log of these values for our y's. Let's transform them real quick:

train_df[dep_var] = np.log(train_df[dep_var])

Now let's declare our procs

procs = [FillMissing, Normalize, Categorify]

And splits. Now we want to ensure that (since this is time series) our validation and test

len(train_df), len(test_df)
(844338, 41088)
test_df['Date'].min(), test_df['Date'].max()
(Timestamp('2015-08-01 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2015-09-17 00:00:00'))

Let's find that particular index

idx = train_df['Date'][(train_df['Date'] == train_df['Date'][len(test_df)])].index.max()

So now our splits will be every index after the 41395'th item

splits = (L(range(idx, len(train_df))),L(range(idx)))
((#802943) [41395,41396,41397,41398,41399,41400,41401,41402,41403,41404...],
 (#41395) [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...])

Let's make our TabularPandas! Since we have a large DataFrame, we can enable inplace to True and reduce_memory to True to save on some storage space (Note: reduce_memory is by default True). To use inplace, we need to set chained_assignment to None in pandas

to = TabularPandas(train_df, procs, cat_vars, cont_vars, dep_var, y_block=RegressionBlock(),
                   splits=splits, inplace=True, reduce_memory=True)

And now let's build our dataloaders!

dls = to.dataloaders(bs=512)
Store DayOfWeek Year Month Day StateHoliday CompetitionMonthsOpen Promo2Weeks StoreType Assortment PromoInterval CompetitionOpenSinceYear Promo2SinceYear State Week Events Promo_fw Promo_bw StateHoliday_fw StateHoliday_bw SchoolHoliday_fw SchoolHoliday_bw Promo SchoolHoliday CompetitionDistance_na CloudCover_na CompetitionDistance Max_TemperatureC Mean_TemperatureC Min_TemperatureC Max_Humidity Mean_Humidity Min_Humidity Max_Wind_SpeedKm_h Mean_Wind_SpeedKm_h CloudCover trend trend_DE AfterStateHoliday BeforeStateHoliday Sales
0 407 3 2015 5 13 False 24 25 a a Feb,May,Aug,Nov 2003 2011 BY 20 Rain-Thunderstorm 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 False False 5889.999991 21.0 18.0 15.000000 88.0 68.000000 56.000000 19.000000 10.0 6.0 77.0 76.0 12.000000 -0.999998 8.433594
1 377 6 2013 11 30 False 24 25 a c Feb,May,Aug,Nov 2010 2010 SH 48 Rain 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 False False 100.000077 6.0 4.0 4.000000 98.0 87.000000 74.000001 21.000000 13.0 7.0 77.0 76.0 58.000000 -25.000000 9.230339
2 812 3 2015 2 4 False 24 0 d a #na# 2012 1900 SN 6 Snow 3 5 0 0 2 0 1 0 False False 2589.999952 -2.0 -3.0 -4.000001 94.0 91.000000 80.000000 14.000000 10.0 6.0 62.0 66.0 34.000000 -58.000000 8.906936
3 464 4 2014 4 3 False 24 0 c a #na# 2009 1900 BE 14 #na# 2 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 False True 519.999983 22.0 15.0 8.000000 82.0 58.000001 26.000000 23.000000 8.0 6.0 56.0 57.0 91.999999 -15.000000 9.067970
4 862 3 2014 8 27 False 24 25 a c Jan,Apr,Jul,Oct 2010 2011 SH 35 Fog 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 False False 2840.000018 22.0 13.0 5.000000 100.0 61.000001 28.000000 14.000000 6.0 2.0 75.0 77.0 79.000000 -37.000000 9.033245
5 901 6 2015 3 7 False 10 0 a c #na# 2014 1900 SH 10 #na# 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 False False 3170.000078 13.0 9.0 4.000000 81.0 57.000000 32.000001 24.000000 14.0 8.0 57.0 64.0 65.000001 -27.000000 8.535230
6 950 5 2014 9 5 False 24 0 a a #na# 1994 1900 BW 36 Fog 1 5 0 0 5 5 1 1 False False 8459.999947 24.0 18.0 12.000000 100.0 80.000000 48.000000 13.000001 3.0 3.0 65.0 62.0 78.000002 -28.000000 8.738255
7 148 1 2014 12 15 False 24 0 a a #na# 2008 1900 BE 51 Rain 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 False False 2090.000053 6.0 3.0 1.000000 93.0 83.000000 63.000000 29.000000 14.0 6.0 78.0 79.0 73.000000 -10.000000 9.525297
8 469 3 2014 8 27 False 24 0 c c #na# 2005 1900 BE 35 Fog 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 False False 710.000229 21.0 13.0 6.000000 94.0 62.000000 22.000001 19.000000 6.0 2.0 68.0 77.0 79.000000 -37.000000 9.122929
9 917 2 2013 10 1 False 24 0 a a #na# 2010 1900 NW 40 #na# 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 False False 7239.999993 17.0 12.0 7.000000 81.0 64.000000 41.000000 23.000000 11.0 1.0 65.0 62.0 123.999998 -2.000002 8.837391

The Model:

As we're doing regression, we want to dictate what the maximum value to be (and minimum) so we will use a y_range

max_log_y = np.max(train_df['Sales'])*1.2

And now we can make a y_range

y_range = torch.tensor([0, max_log_y]); y_range
tensor([ 0.0000, 12.7616])

Next comes our Learner. We'll walk through each step

tc = tabular_config(ps=[0.001, 0.01], embed_p=0.04, y_range=y_range)
learn = tabular_learner(dls, layers=[1000,500],

So we have a lot going on right there. ps is overall dropout (helps with overfitting), embed_p is dropout on the embedding weights, exp_rmspe is Root Mean Square Percentage Error

Let's look at our model:

TabularModel (Input shape: ['512 x 26', '512 x 14'])
Layer (type)         Output Shape         Param #    Trainable 
Embedding            512 x 81             90,396     True      
Embedding            512 x 5              40         True      
Embedding            512 x 3              12         True      
Embedding            512 x 7              91         True      
Embedding            512 x 11             352        True      
Embedding            512 x 3              9          True      
Embedding            512 x 10             260        True      
Embedding            512 x 10             270        True      
Embedding            512 x 4              20         True      
Embedding            512 x 3              12         True      
Embedding            512 x 3              12         True      
Embedding            512 x 9              216        True      
Embedding            512 x 5              45         True      
Embedding            512 x 7              91         True      
Embedding            512 x 15             795        True      
Embedding            512 x 9              198        True      
Embedding            512 x 5              35         True      
Embedding            512 x 5              35         True      
Embedding            512 x 3              12         True      
Embedding            512 x 3              12         True      
Embedding            512 x 5              45         True      
Embedding            512 x 5              45         True      
Embedding            512 x 3              9          True      
Embedding            512 x 3              9          True      
Embedding            512 x 3              9          True      
Embedding            512 x 3              9          True      
Dropout              512 x 223            0          False     
BatchNorm1d          512 x 14             28         True      
BatchNorm1d          512 x 237            474        True      
Dropout              512 x 237            0          False     
Linear               512 x 1000           237,000    True      
ReLU                 512 x 1000           0          False     
BatchNorm1d          512 x 1000           2,000      True      
Dropout              512 x 1000           0          False     
Linear               512 x 500            500,000    True      
ReLU                 512 x 500            0          False     
Linear               512 x 1              501        True      
SigmoidRange         512 x 1              0          False     

Total params: 833,042
Total trainable params: 833,042
Total non-trainable params: 0

Optimizer used: <function Adam at 0x7f3ec01936a8>
Loss function: FlattenedLoss of MSELoss()

  - TrainEvalCallback
  - Recorder
  - ProgressCallback


Now let's fit!

(0.0009120108559727668, 0.0002290867705596611)
learn.fit_one_cycle(5, 3e-3, wd=0.2)
epoch train_loss valid_loss _exp_rmspe time
0 0.026195 0.026274 0.182667 00:46
1 0.015253 0.015979 0.133926 00:46
2 0.011368 0.012961 0.114459 00:47
3 0.008773 0.011173 0.109166 00:47
4 0.007508 0.010604 0.107100 00:47

For comparison, an exp_rmspe of 0.108 was 10th place

Inference on a test set:

Now that we have a model, we want to make our final competitions that would be submitted to a competition, as such, we can only make the predictions and submit them as a CSV.

We'll practice bringing in an exported model just to show that you do not need the original data.

del learn
learn = load_learner('myModel')

Now we generate our test_dl from our test_df

dl = learn.dls.test_dl(test_df)

We need to tell the Learner to return the predictions for the test set we added

raw_test_preds = learn.get_preds(dl=dl)

Let's take a peek

(tensor([[ 8.3808],
         [ 8.8781],
         [ 9.1845],
         [ 8.7501],
         [ 8.9215]]), None)

You'll notice [0] contains our predictions, and [1] contains any labels (if we had any). This is nice because if we accidently run learn.validate() on a non-labeled test set, we get the following:

(#2) [None,None]

Still runs, just there are no labels so it's None

Now back to our predictions! We need to undo our log transform first:

tensor([[ 4362.4321],
        [ 7173.3774],
        [ 9745.0059],
        [ 6311.3501],
        [ 7490.9766]])
test_preds = np.exp(raw_test_preds[0]).numpy().T[0]

(If you want to learn about what T does, compare below):

array([[ 8.380785],
       [ 8.878132],
       [ 9.18451 ],
       [ 8.750105],
       [ 8.921454]], dtype=float32)
array([ 4362.432 ,  7173.3774,  9745.006 , ...,  6311.35  , 22939.816 ,
        7490.9766], dtype=float32)

Now we can submit to Kaggle!

test_df['Sales'] = test_preds
test_df[['Id', "Sales"]] = test_df[['Id', 'Sales']].astype('int')

And finally we make our submission. NOTE: remove the index when generating your submission always!

test_df[['Id', 'Sales']].to_csv('submission.csv', index=False)

Permutation Importance

Permutation importance is a technique in which we shuffle each column in a dataframe and analyze how changing a particular column affected our y values. The more that it was affected, the more "important" we can (generally) call a variable in our neural network. Let's build a quick algorithm to do this:

class PermutationImportance():
  "Calculate and plot the permutation importance"
  def __init__(self, learn:Learner, df=None, bs=None):
    "Initialize with a test dataframe, a learner, and a metric"
    self.learn = learn
    self.df = df
    bs = bs if bs is not None else learn.dls.bs
    if self.df is not None:
      self.dl = learn.dls.test_dl(self.df, bs=bs)
      self.dl = learn.dls[1]
    self.x_names = learn.dls.x_names.filter(lambda x: '_na' not in x)
    self.na = learn.dls.x_names.filter(lambda x: '_na' in x)
    self.y = dls.y_names
    self.results = self.calc_feat_importance()

  def measure_col(self, name:str):
    "Measures change after column shuffle"
    col = [name]
    if f'{name}_na' in self.na: col.append(name)
    orig = self.dl.items[col].values
    perm = np.random.permutation(len(orig))
    self.dl.items[col] = self.dl.items[col].values[perm]
    metric = learn.validate(dl=self.dl)[1]
    self.dl.items[col] = orig
    return metric

  def calc_feat_importance(self):
    "Calculates permutation importance by shuffling a column on a percentage scale"
    print('Getting base error')
    base_error = self.learn.validate(dl=self.dl)[1]
    self.importance = {}
    pbar = progress_bar(self.x_names)
    print('Calculating Permutation Importance')
    for col in pbar:
      self.importance[col] = self.measure_col(col)
    for key, value in self.importance.items():
      self.importance[key] = (base_error-value)/base_error #this can be adjusted
    return OrderedDict(sorted(self.importance.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True))

  def ord_dic_to_df(self, dict:OrderedDict):
    return pd.DataFrame([[k, v] for k, v in dict.items()], columns=['feature', 'importance'])

  def plot_importance(self, df:pd.DataFrame, limit=20, asc=False, **kwargs):
    "Plot importance with an optional limit to how many variables shown"
    df_copy = df.copy()
    df_copy['feature'] = df_copy['feature'].str.slice(0,25)
    df_copy = df_copy.sort_values(by='importance', ascending=asc)[:limit].sort_values(by='importance', ascending=not(asc))
    ax = df_copy.plot.barh(x='feature', y='importance', sort_columns=True, **kwargs)
    for p in ax.patches:
      ax.annotate(f'{p.get_width():.4f}', ((p.get_width() * 1.005), p.get_y()  * 1.005))

And now we can simply call PermutationImportance to run it!

res = PermutationImportance(learn, train_df.iloc[:1000], bs=64)
Getting base error
Calculating Permutation Importance
100.00% [38/38 00:07<00:00]
{'AfterStateHoliday': -0.006495955086819835,
 'Assortment': -0.15894991142484757,
 'BeforeStateHoliday': -0.0034450730077863977,
 'CloudCover': -0.021922465471671267,
 'CompetitionDistance': -0.07073883242654737,
 'CompetitionMonthsOpen': -0.048707575175682846,
 'CompetitionOpenSinceYear': -0.006830320781063511,
 'Day': 0.0,
 'DayOfWeek': 0.0,
 'Events': 0.010310428429607058,
 'Max_Humidity': 0.05946607822128924,
 'Max_TemperatureC': -0.029806386487200524,
 'Max_Wind_SpeedKm_h': 0.004062584161248675,
 'Mean_Humidity': 0.0036539491262186446,
 'Mean_TemperatureC': 0.0041852054038987,
 'Mean_Wind_SpeedKm_h': -0.017164310518782103,
 'Min_Humidity': -0.0003381559916355307,
 'Min_TemperatureC': -0.012325842237373623,
 'Month': 0.0,
 'Promo': 0.0,
 'Promo2SinceYear': -0.026129080933810448,
 'Promo2Weeks': -0.3059371320786493,
 'PromoInterval': -0.11177023585996265,
 'Promo_bw': 0.0,
 'Promo_fw': -0.0034969078856317715,
 'SchoolHoliday': -0.00045760157971400057,
 'SchoolHoliday_bw': -0.061669982493948075,
 'SchoolHoliday_fw': -0.06475180159493665,
 'State': -0.000484645863807239,
 'StateHoliday': 0.0,
 'StateHoliday_bw': 0.0,
 'StateHoliday_fw': 0.0,
 'Store': -19.48458644833461,
 'StoreType': -0.012292753965547427,
 'Week': 0.0,
 'Year': 0.0,
 'trend': -0.01690329220109433,
 'trend_DE': 0.0}